SI Faculty & Staff Resources


Supplemental Instruction (SI), created at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, 是一种非补救的学习方法,通过整合“学什么”和“怎么学”来支持学生取得学业成功吗.“科学探究包括定期安排的、由学生需求驱动的课外小组学习. 会议由训练有素的同伴领导进行,他们利用协作活动来确保小组中的点对点互动. 在与学术人员协商后,在高风险课程中实施SI,并由训练有素的主管提供支持和评估.

Watch a short video explaining SI

Frequently Asked Questions

SI Leaders are “near peers”. 科学探究领袖是以前上过这门课并在这门课上取得高分的学生. Faculty typically recommend the Leaders who facilitate their SI sessions. SI Leaders undergo a vigorous hiring and training process. SI Leaders attend the same class sessions with the students, taking notes and listening closely to the professor. 科学探究组长准备活动,帮助学生理解困难的概念,练习有效的学习技巧.

创建SI Edge是为了通过解决调度冲突来增加SI会话的出席率, one of the main reasons students report they do not attend SI sessions. SI Edge通过在学期开始前将两个SI会话时间中的一个填充到Pathway的课程时间表中来实现这一目标. SI项目与注册办公室和学术单位合作,试图确定一个有利于学生最大限度地参与的时间. 当学生注册课程时,他们将看到SI会话时间填充在他们的课程时间表上, ensuring they reserve that time for SI early in their semester planning. SI Edge已经在课程中进行了试点,并发现这是提高SI课程出勤率的有效方法.

Below is a sample schedule with the SI session populated.

Screenshot of a Pathway schedule which automatically includes an SI session.

If a student does need to enroll in a conflicting course, they complete the ADD/DROP form (PDF), which allows them to enroll in the other course despite the conflicting time. When the form is filled out for this reason, it will not need to be signed by course instructors or advisors.



Once the semester begins, SI Edge课程的SI领导者为学生提供有关SI Edge如何运作的额外信息. If you have any questions or concerns about SI Edge, please email us at

Fill out the referral form for SI Leaders/Tutors

Job description to share with SI Leader candidates:

SI leaders are strong UMKC students, who have at least a 3.0 overall GPA and B+ or better in the course they SI for. SI Leaders attend course lectures, so they can plan interactive activities to aid students with difficult material. 然后,他们在每周的科学探究课程中为学生提供这个计划. There are many benefits to being an SI Leader. You will gain leadership, organization, and critical thinking skills. You will hone your academic knowledge base and skills. You will form close relationships with faculty, UMKC staff, and fellow students. 你也会从帮助别人理解具有挑战性的材料中获得满足感. SI leaders work 8-10 hours a week with pay starting at $12.30 per hour.

SI计划与机构研究合作,以确定具有高DFW率或对持久性和/或毕业率有明显影响的课程. However, 有一些学术单位选择为不属于这些类别的课程提供科学探究基金. If you are interested in learning more about having SI implemented in your course, please fill out the request form linked below.

Fill out the SI course support request form

  • Recommend qualified candidates
  • Provide approval for the SI Leader(s) for their course
  • 在学期开始之前和整个学期中,以双方同意的方式(面对面)与他们的SI领导沟通, email, during office hours, etc.)
  • 在课程材料和学习管理网站中添加SI会话和领导者信息
  • Encourage students to attend, 不要认为只有那些在课程中表现差的学生才会受益
    • 教师可以通过偶尔在课堂上发布公告和在公告板/ ppt上发布信息来支持科学探究
  • 确保SI Leader不被要求从事会损害Leader对他们所领导的课程的中立性的工作, including not:
    • Grading student work
    • Constructing test items
    • Creating assignments
    • Serving as a TA or serving in a TA-like role
  • 在学期开始前签署一份谅解备忘录,承认对上述要点的同意


SI sessions provide a fun, 协作学习环境,你积极地与同学一起工作,以评估你的理解, deepen your knowledge, and grow your skills in this course and beyond. SI is most effective for those who come regularly throughout the semester.

In general, 国际补充教学中心(SI)不鼓励为参加SI会议提供额外的学分,因为公平, anonymity, and data concerns.

However, 下面列出的步骤是为SI出勤率提供额外学分的公平选择, as not all students can attend SI sessions due to time conflicts. Additionally, 这些步骤允许SI程序保持匿名并运行我们的期末比较报告,而不会影响额外的学分或扭曲结果.

  1. 教师让SI协调员知道他们对追求额外学分模式感兴趣.
  2. 教师通知学生,在学期结束时,任何参加SI或UMKC辅导的学生都将获得额外学分. 教师可以决定每次访问可以获得多少额外学分以及上限是多少. 直到学期结束,教师才会知道谁在使用这些服务,所以额外的学分直到学期结束才会加到成绩上. All ASM staff have been FERPA trained and can provide certificates.
  3. 教师将把课程中每个人的累积分数发送给SI协调员. 不希望与教师分享访问ASM的学生可以通过电子邮件选择退出该计划
  4. SI协调员将发送所有学生访问任何ASM服务的累积列表,但不表明他们参加了哪个服务, so the faculty can add the extra credit as appropriate.